Wednesday, February 12, 2025

White House lists achievements of Trump in his tenure

The White House has published a list of achievements which president Donald Trump has to his credit during his four-year tenure. 

“Trump Administration Accomplishments” is the name of the document which lists an unprecedented economic boom before the Wuhan coronavirus, jobs spurt for American of all backgrounds, tax relief for the middle class, investment zones, deregulation and trade policies. 

The iconic moments are mentioned as over 450 miles of new border wall, over $2.2 trillion in military spending and a rebuilding of the judiciary system. 

Trump could install three conservative-leaning justices in the Supreme Court and appoint over 230 federal judges and 54 judges to various courts of appeal. 

The list also includes Trump’s upholding of religious freedom, including “imposed restrictions on certain Chinese officials, internal security units and companies” for their complicity in persecuting religious groups in China. 

Although Trump has committed himself to an “orderly transition” in the White House, he has declared he would not attend president-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration. 

Trump, throughout his tenure, was faced by a hostile press which gave him credit for little and blamed him for everything, including a few imagined and concocted ones. 


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