Tuesday, March 11, 2025



Mehbooba, meanwhile, is busy building castles in the air

Mehbooba Mufti helped her father late Mufti Mohammad Sayeed build up People’s Democratic Party (PDP) from scratch in two years or so. She worked...

Why October often brings bad news for Abdullahs?

Former National Conference (NC) leader Devendra Singh Rana’s joining the BJP in Delhi on Monday is perhaps one of the most devastating blows in...

80% of Jammu is hills; only 20% is Kashmir Valley: Delimitation can’t be a one-pony trick

Population is one of the criteria, not the only one, used for delimiting territorial constituencies for different legislatures, be it state legislative assemblies, or...

Pulwama anniversary: While we mourn, this culprit retains Pak’s patronage

Maulana Masood Azhar was in a jail in Jammu when an Indian aircraft was hijacked on December 24, 1999, after it took off from...

J & K bans poultry in view of bird flu scare

The Jammu and Kashmir government has banned thr import of all poultry products with immediately effect. An order to this effect was issued by...

BJP seems wiser than just Modi-Shah-Yogi at rallies: Hyderabad and J&K offer a clue!

Smriti Irani is busy canvassing support for the BJP candidates in District Development Council (DDC) elections now on in Jammu and Kashmir. The Union...

November 25 is blackest of black day in Mirpur: When Hindus paid the price of not joining Pakistan

The attacks by tribal lashkars led by Pakistani soldiers on Jammu and Kashmir ruled by Maharaja Hari Singh began on October 22. A lot...

The hero we remember with gratitude for saving Poonch in 1947-48

In 1947-48 war with Pakistan, that raged in many parts of Jammu and Kashmir for months together, November 21, 1948, is a very important...

J and K land scams under Roshni scheme could make you cringe in disgust

The full extent of loot of government land in Jammu and Kashmir under the garb of Roshni scheme is becoming clear with every passing...

Who sends kids to study in Pakistan? Well, Kashmiris do: Wake up India

Do we need to trust Pakistan? Can we trust Pakistan? Should we trust Pakistan? How are these questions relevant and what is the context?...


Sant Kumar Sharma
Veeresh Malik