Friday, February 14, 2025



Anurag Thakur doubles down on Gandhis, both personally and politically

Anurag Thakur, junior finance minister in the Modi government, doubled down on Gandhis both personally and politically in a lively riposte in Lok Sabha...

Modi asks MPs to stand in solidarity with soldiers: Monsoon Session begins

Masks. MPs separated by poly-carbon sheets. The 18-day Monsoon Session of the Indian Parliament began today in an unusual spectacle. With safety features dominating the...

London Times chooses India’s planned new Central Vista to reveal its’ Hinduphobia

If I was the editor of London Times, god forbids, and had sought out my New Delhi correspondent Hugh Tomlinson in my cabin, it...

Why history won’t forgive Modi if he buckles under now

Indian prime minister Narendra Modi could sense a long road ahead. He is under attack from all corners, both at home and abroad. From...

The biggest Constitutional ‘fraud’ in independent India

(In view of the 10% quota in general category for poor and shrieks of fake liberals, NewsBred  publishes this edited piece, written by Suresh...

Lutyens Media is drummer boy for Rahul Gandhi

It’s without bitterness or rancour that I point out how the rotten media—both Indian and Western—keeps the “Dead Man Walking,” that is, Indian National Congress. Vir Sanghvi,...

Why Lutyens Media has blanked Modi on ‘AP Special Status’?

The morning after the No-Trust motion in Parliament on Saturday, one was amazed how the coverage in newspapers, TV networks and websites made it...

You must recall your MP on non-performance

First Lok Sabha speaker Sumitra Mahajan announced the suspension of 25 Congress MPs for the logjam in functioning of parliament. Then Congress president Ms...

Tsipras: Blackmailed or a “Trojan Horse”?

“The Prime Minister (Alexis Tsipras) was blackmailed, that is sure,” thus spoke George Romanis, Greek Secretary General on Social Services, on a television station...


Sant Kumar Sharma
Veeresh Malik