Tuesday, February 11, 2025



World War II from the eyes of an Indian woman combatant

A young woman’s translation of war diaries maintained by her grandmother is making many in the corridors of power in India sit up and...

India has never needed more youth in uniform than now

We had a 4-year training period, straight out of school at the age of 15/16/17, 2 years on the training ship as “officer cadets”...

Why Anglophiles amongst us are crawling out of woodwork on Netaji

It is actually quite fascinating to see the Anglophiles amongst us, from abroad and in India, crawl out of woodwork and pontificate on the...

One state where Britishers created colonial clubs but could never own them up

Colonial era Clubs in Chennai and the rest of Tamil Nadu as well as adjoining areas are in a class by themselves.  To start with, they...

India can solve its Partition within; you only need to know its knobs

Fortyfive years ago, I was on a Japanese built ship which had just been bought second-hand from a bankrupt owner out of Hong Kong,...

Tulsi might find US stance on religious freedom a joke

A new report—“Religious Persecution in the United States”--has burned Uncle Sam at the stake of religious discrimination on its land over the centuries. (The...

Will a US president ever apologize?: 70th Hiroshima Anniversary

“Will an American president ever offer a formal apology?  Will US ever regret the dropping of “Little Boy” and “Fat Man,” those two bombs that burned...


Sant Kumar Sharma
Veeresh Malik