Wednesday, February 12, 2025



There is more to India and China than two staring each other at borders

Too much is made of India-China standoff at borders and too little attention is paid to the two Asian neighbours putting shoulders together in...

The New Cold War isn’t just about the two Superpowers

It is easy to understand both India and Russia won’t like to be too dependent on either the United States or China who battle...

Is Russia losing warmth on China: Blame it on Beijing’s clout in Central Asia

Conventional wisdom holds that best friends make the worst enemies. Should China keep this saying in mind regarding its relationship with Russia? Currently, enmity between...

This is no soap opera that Russia would come and bail out India

It’s not as much a matter of choice for India as it is for Russia. India media might be scripting a Russia factor in...

United Nations: Is it still relevant for the future?

(As the United Nations gets ready for its general assembly session this week with world’s leaders  attendance, NewsBred presents with gratitude a piece by...


Sant Kumar Sharma
Veeresh Malik