Tuesday, February 11, 2025

So cities in Mars are now afoot; there would be shuttle service to Earth too

Following the successful landing of NASA’s Perseverance, it seems that the question now is: when humans will live on the red planet? Ah, it’s on everyone’s lips. For some, it will incite extreme answers. For others, simply a day outside of their postcode will be just the right level of unfamiliarity. Well, whatever camp you fall on, the architect firm, ABIBOO has now offered the answer.

The architect firm has unveiled its plans to build the first-of-a-kind sustainable city on Mars. Presenting the idea first during the Annual Mars Convention last year, ABIBOO has finally revealed their plans for the creation of the first sustainable city on Mars and they’re hoping to have it completed and ready for residents in 2100 with construction beginning in the year 2054. 

The new design contains five cities including Nüwa which is set to become the space capital. 

Located on Tempe Mensa, the city of Nüwa will be built vertically instead of horizontally into the side of a cliff, which would diminish the effect of atmospheric pressure and radiation. Apart from abundant water availability, the location is chosen to protect future inhabitants from any meteorites, while still having access to indirect sunlight. It will act just like any livable city, complete with offices, homes, and green spaces.

 A train and bus system will help people commute from one side to the other. Facilities for such necessities as crops, which are expected to account for 50 percent of the human diet, will be located at the highest point of the cliff, known as the Mesa.

The firm also believes that after a brief initial period where Earth supplements Nüwa with supplies and capital investment, it wouldn’t take long for the city to become self-sustainable. 

There will also be a shuttle service for people who need to return to Earth. Launch windows will open every 26 months with a one-way ticket costing US$300,000. 

However, as the conditions on Mars are still far from friendly, there are still major challenges for which ABIBOO is looking for solutions. 

Currently, the atmospheric pressure is not suitable for humans and the radiation is lethal on the surface without any shelter.

“We had to do a lot of analysis based on computing and working with the scientists to try to understand what are the circumstances that we will face,” says founder of architecture studio ABIBOO, Alfredo Muñoz.

Explaining the plans, the architecture company informed that they are planning to use exclusively Martian materials for the construction 

“Water is one of the great advantages that Mars offers, it helps to be able to get the proper materials for the construction. Basically, with the water and the Co2, we can generate carbon and with the carbon, we can generate steel,” says Muñoz.

He also added that “The learnings that we are getting by developing a fully sustainable city on Mars brings us so much know-how and ideas and insights, about things that we could do differently on earth” 

ABIBOO worked with SONet Network, an international team of scientists and academics to conceptualize a design based on scientific research. It was chosen as a finalist for the Mars City State competition organized by the Mars society.

The above is a rewritten version of a piece in 21stCenturyWire)

(NewsBred has a new addition, Panchmukha, where we bring interesting viewpoints from across internet, give the source its due credit and rewrite it for readers’s benefit. And the spectrum is really wide from science to technology to agriculture to trade—everything).


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