Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Sanctioning nations are the most indebted ones in world!

If the world has already been in a multipolar concept for several years – we are advancing with certain steps towards a post-Western multipolar world. And in this reality, the West will not only be representative of a world minority from the demographic point of view, but also with regard to the glaring lack of natural resources combined with external indebtedness per inhabitant by far the largest at the level global.

When we analyze the current crisis, probably without precedent, between not only the West and Russia, but more generally between the nostalgics of unipolarity and the resolute partisans of the multipolar era – we notice an observation quite revealing. The one that looking at the world map of countries that have vastly expanded sanctions against Russia (overwhelmingly Western nations) – it turns out that these are also the states with the largest foreign debts per capita.

Indeed, if we take the Top 10 countries by external debt – 8 are Western. And in the Top 20 – 14 countries, or 70%. Obviously, the “great” economic specialists of the Western world will tell you that this is normal, because the West was the reference for other countries of the world (non-Western) to place their assets there.

The concern for this theory is that we are nearing its end. The whole world witnessed the Western heist of Russian reserves – in the West. Faced with this and beyond the fact that Russia has been able to find the necessary instruments not only to compensate for this, but also to put the instigators of the sanctions in great difficulty, the fact is that this situation has the merit of bringing several other clarifications.

First of all – that the collective West having definitively shown its face as a true open-air burglar – appropriating what does not belong to it – will observe a catastrophic effect for the Western financial system in the short, medium and long term. The process of loss of confidence vis-à-vis the currencies that are the dollar and the euro will only accelerate from now on. Just like the proliferation of bilateral and multilateral agreements to trade in non-Western national currencies.

Two: that without the main raw materials, energy and more, the West cannot do much. Neither for its industry, nor for its average consumers. All discussions on “renewable” energies remain projects with no chance of being realized in the near future, or even certainly in the medium term. Still on the same topic: all this arrogance of the collective West has always been based, among other things, on the fact that Western industry exports technological products with high added value.

Except that this technological industry can practically do nothing without the natural resources it needs to work, sell, export. Just as it would be totally naive to believe that the industrialization of the West was not directly linked to colonization and the looting of the natural resources of colonized peoples.

There also it is not all. Non-Western nations have already demonstrated, and will undeniably continue to do so, that they have all the scientific-intellectual potential necessary to be able to compensate or eventually create the necessary alternatives to Western technologies. Brains from Russia, China, India, Iran, and from many other places in the world only confirm this. And if the West manages in the relatively near past to take some of these brains, this process will undeniably slow down now. For what reasons ? For some out of patriotism, for others out of opportunities to create great things (and therefore earn a lot of money) at home, instead of being employees for Western companies.

Also, and when we witness this system being put in place, and which is once again only very logical, the West risks finding itself in a situation where:

1) It will no longer be the center of attraction par “excellence”;

2) Will have more and more difficulty obtaining the necessary materials for its technological industry, unless it strictly follows the conditions of the countries to which the said resources belong;

3) Will see the appearance of large-scale competitors, including in the technological sphere, from the non-Western world, representing the overwhelming planetary majority at the same time;

There is now a much better understanding of certain processes affecting Africa. And in particular why the Western countries took with so much hysteria the rise in power of the cooperation between China and Russia with the African countries. China – the world’s leading economic power in terms of GDP at purchasing power parity and a strong supporter of multipolarity. Russia – one of the two main military powers in the world, as well as in terms of natural resources on a planetary scale, and also a key spearhead of international multipolar rules. Africa – a continent so rich in natural resources, but which the West has degraded for so long – so that it can better plunder these resources which it so badly needs in order to maintain the idea of a hegemony.

This vicious scheme is coming to an end. And the fact that even the “traditional” partners of the USA and the West turn away from them – only reinforces this thesis. Yes, the Western world will have to learn to live on new bases and new rules, even if that seemed unimaginable for many so-called experts of this small world. The West only recently had a chance to take the very last wagon of the multipolar train. They missed it. And that is why the world will only be post-Western.

(This piece is courtesy Continental Observer). 

(Panchmukha is interesting content floating on internet, brought by NewsBred for its readers. They don’t necessarily reflect our views but make our platform diverse.)

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