Tuesday, February 11, 2025

How come stone-pelters are queueing up in thousands for a BSF job, Ms Mufti?

Kashmiri youths were stone-pelters and now they are lining up to protect India’s borders and we don’t know whom to believe anymore.

The Gupkar club of Muftis and Abdullahs are clearing their throats and even seeking out China so that Kashmir could return to good olden days but the Valley’s youth apparently have other ideas.

Tens of thousands are willing to guard against China, and Pakistan on 240km of international borders in Jammu and Kashmir as they turned up to enroll themselves in Border Security Force on Sunday.

Now if Muftis-Abdullahs are your thing and your skills in propaganda could match Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), you could spin a whole web of deceit to say that this is one picture (above) which tells a lie.

I mean how do we know that what was the number of Hindus or Buddhists (both Jammu and Ladakh took part); how many were women and if Kashmir Valley didn’t turn a cold shoulder to all this jamboree of Indians.

Valid question but only for those who think the recruitment centres of Srinagar, Bandipore, Baramulla and Kupwara are located in Jammu or Leh and that Muslims are negligible in Jammu. I mean 17 of the 22 districts of the two Union Territories are Muslim majority. The five others—four in Jammu and one in Leh—don’t punch above their weight. And in case you want to fool the readers with what-about-Hindus-in-Valley it would’ve been a valid ask before the Exodus. Now only 2,000 Hindus remain.

Oh yes, you spoke about women. Well, look at the picture above yourself. You would find many bobbing their pretty heads in colourful scarfs. Some 2,000 of them took to test last year. They are running cafes, driving like mad in car rallies, making splash in cricket etc.

It’s not to say that an average Kashmiri youth is not desperate. Or why would they jump and run; roll in mud or hang upside down for a job which is not worth more than Rs 2,400 a month. Or when only one in 50 would get to dress up in a uniform. But business has taken a hit and you could put it to abrogation of Article 370 though Covid-19 would be closer to reality. And winter is settling in which puts in cold storage tourism and agriculture for next few months.

This one picture must make us question a lot of assumptions. That Kashmiri youth prefers Pakistan and terrorists and hate Indian Army. That so chilling is the fear of terrorists that they vote or seek job by hiding their faces. That Arundhati Roy, behind her pretty prose, deserves be sued by families of thousands of slain soldiers: That instead of martyrs, she has painted them rapists and murderers in the eyes of international audience. That our Barkha Dutt would remind us of a terrorist who was a school teacher’s son but won’t applaud Abdul Samad, all of 18 years, having been signed for Rs 20 lakhs in IPL and matched David Warner stroke-for-stroke last night. That she didn’t do it either for Parvez Rasool, Mansoor Dar and Rasikh Salam who preceded Samad in IPL.

Such pictures would’ve graced your daily earlier too. But BSF was shunted out of Kashmir Valley in 2006 and has returned only now after the “special status” was abrogated last August. Why? Well our Gandhis and Muftis and Abdullahs need to answer.

You might not be at the border to see them but keep an eye on your personnel in Metro stations or security at airports where they could be posted to foil the designs of a Lashkar e Taiba or Jaish e Mohammed. This is the national integration they want to be part of, held back so far only by the dynasties and our neighbouring crooks. Be on your feet, applaud them, and complete the dream of One India of Sardar Patel. It could be Nagaland repeated. Our newspapers can carry Abdullahs and Muftis on front pages till eternity for all I care.

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