India true to its sobriquet- the Pharmacy of the world—is setting goals by becoming a major global player in the world; partnering with different countries and providing them vaccination to battle out the coronavirus.
From Carribean countries to its immediate neighbours, India in the last few months has provided its free vaccination shots to countries that couldn’t afford the more expensive Moderna and Pfizer vaccines.
The country is one of the world’s biggest drug-makers and an increasing number of countries have already approached it for procuring coronavirus vaccines. While India is collaborating with different countries across the world, top United States scientist and the Dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) in Houston, Dr Peter Hotez said that India provided vaccines to different countries and “rescued the world” yet country’s contribution is ought to deserve global recognition.
Dr. Hotez was addressing the webinar “Covid-19: Vaccination and Potential Return to Normalcy – If and When”, organised by Indo American Chamber of Commerce of Greater Houston (IACCGH) when that the COVID-19 vaccine rollout is “India’s gift’ to the world in combating the virus.
Adding to this, he also mentioned that it becomes even more necessary to talk about India’s efforts as it is not getting the required global attention and the recognition. “There is something very special going on in India and I have seen it myself because I am on weekly teleconferences with our colleagues in India, you make a recommendation, and within days it’s done and not only done, it’s done meticulously and with great rigour, thought and creativity,” said Dr Hortez.
Dr Hotez, considered as the authority on vaccinations, is working on an affordable coronavirus vaccine in collaboration with Indian pharmaceutical companies.
Ever since the pandemic has rolled out, India has shown its medical excellence by manufacturing high-quality personal protective equipment, masks and vaccines.
India’s drugs regulator gave emergency use authorization to Covishield, produced by Pune-based Serum Institute of India after securing licence from British pharma company AstraZeneca, and Covaxin, indigenously developed jointly by Hyderabad-based Bharat Biotech and Indian Council of Medical Research scientists.