It’s a cute wrap-up of how India’s deplorable Opposition and Lutyens Media conducted itself in the last two months when the Covid-19’s second wave was ravaging country’s landscape. Enjoy
Modi :- National lock down from march 23’rd
liberals:- Fascist , autocratic ,Hitler.
Modi :- Vaccine will be made in India
Liberals:- Impossible..It will take 20 years.
China will get angry..
Modi:- India has now its own vaccine ..
Liberals :- It will fail , people will die ..hurried ..
Modi:- FLW will get first preference.
Liberals:- They are treated as Guinea pigs .
Let Modi take it first , in public
Modi:- Senior citizens will get vaccine ..
Liberals:- I will not take BJP vaccine..
It’s not halal
People will become impotent ..
Why only seniors , give it to all.
Modi:- central govt will supply vaccine to all states
Liberals:- Fascist , autocratic , priority to BJP states , if we are allowed to buy, we will vaccinate entire state in 3 months .
Modi:- We will allow states to buy vaccines
Liberals:- Passing responsibility to states.. Modi has failed .
Modi:- vaccine is the only way for second wave
Liberals:- You sent my vaacine abroad..
We want it for 18+
Modi:- We will start 18+
Liberals:- No vaccine available
Modi:- 200 crores vaccine will be available by December.
Liberals:- Impossible..liar ..Feku
Modi :- We will supply vaccines free of cost to states
Liberals:- Thanks to SC ..
Modi has failed ..