In a tragic incident, 25 people lost their lives due to the low supply of oxygen in Delhi’s ‘Jaipur Golden Hospital’ today.
According to the hospital, a supply of around 3.5 metric tonnes of oxygen was supposed to reach by 5 pm yesterday. But it reached around midnight. By then, 20 patients had died. And five patients have reportedly died on Saturday morning.
Dr DK Baluja, the medical director of Jaipur Golden Hospital, said “Nobody has promised anything. Everybody is saying we will do our best,” when asked if the hospital received any help from the government. He added that the hospital has over 200 patients and 80 per cent of them are on oxygen support with around 35 patients in the ICU.
Meanwhile, along with Jaipur Golden Hospital, Moolchand Hospital, SGRH, Batra Hospital, on Saturday, sent SOS messages reporting shortage of oxygen and appealed to authority to arrange it at the earliest.
“Urgent sos help. We have less than 2 hours of oxygen supply @Moolchand_Hos. We are desperate and have tried all the nodal officer numbers but unable to connect. Have over 135 COVID pts with many on life support #. @ArvindKejriwal @CMODelh i@LtGovDelhi @satinderjain26 @PMOIndia (sic),” read the tweet put out by Moolchand Healthcare this morning. The hospital has stopped admitting new patients till it resolves the issue, sources said.